Data Privacy Pledge

Data Privacy Pledge

As an HR tech vendor working with sensitive employee data, we recognize the enormous responsibility placed on Vault Verify to be safe and courteous stewards of your data. It has been part of our core mission since Vault Verify’s inception in 2012, well before recent state and federal legislative efforts have brought the topic of employee data privacy to the forefront. While both public opinion and legislation vary as to what is required by vendors handling sensitive data, our commitment has never wavered.

Employee Data Protection
Vault Verify Data Privacy Pledge

As a partner and data steward to your organization, we pledge to:


  • Never resell, repackage, or otherwise reuse your employee data for anything other than its intended purpose – the employee-sanctioned verification of employment and income through Vault Verify. 
  • Certify all verifiers to ensure that requests are made from reputable sources with permissible purpose – including the furnishing of a signed release from your employee for any request for income. 
  • Never store your employee data in our system or the systems of any of our partners any longer than what is required to complete a verification and unless agreed upon by you. It’s your data and it should stay within your systems where you can control access. 
  • Always make accessible and visible the complete history of every verification request made for current and prior employees within your organization. 
  • Opt out any employees who do not wish to expose their data to verifiers. 
  • Maintain relevant security certifications related to the handling of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and other sensitive data, including SOC 2. 
  • Remain compliant with known state and federal laws related to the access and use of employee data. 
  • Provide support to all users of Vault Verify – verifiers, employers, and employees – while protecting the security and privacy of employee PII. 
Our Security Credentials

HR Automation that
Protects Employee Data

Our industry-leading HR automation solutions use high-tech encryption, secure data centers, verifier credentialing, and security protocols that eliminate file feeds to keep your data safe 24/7.

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In just 30 minutes, we’ll show how our secure HR automation services
can deliver peace of mind and save you time and money!